Category Archives: Personal Lessons

How to Handle Necessary Personal Calls at Work

Every office has its own set of rules. Some offices allow personal calls during work hours, while others have a strict policy that personal calls are not allowed at any time. There are some office environments where one’s personal calls have to be put on hold until the end of the day. However, there are also some offices that allow personal calls during work hours.

Likewise, many offices do not require external VPNs for work from home because they are confident in their secure connection. Others, on the other hand, use a VPN to protect their data from getting breached – benefit of vpn – by providing a tunnel for your data and communications while using public networks. It may also prevent third-party users from tracking your calls.

Managers, leaders, and other professionals who face any kind of business call at work can sometimes feel overwhelmed by the idea of how to handle these calls. In many cases, personal calls are necessary, and some of the most common calls are from family members upset about something at home. In other cases, managers have to deal with difficult customers or difficult co-workers.

The key to handling these calls in a professional way is to set aside a time slot to handle calls. That’s when you can really focus on the call. Set aside a time each day when you can truly concentrate on taking care of the call without having to worry about other distractions, and here’s how.

  • If needed, let your family or friends know about your work schedule

“Family and friends should know your work hours” is something we hear a lot whenever someone is working from home; however, if you want to keep your work-from-home lifestyle a secret, you have to take extra precautions. While we all know that work can be stressful, taking a phone call while you are working can cause you to miss important information that could affect your work. At the same time, it can be important to let family and friends know when you are working on scheduling plans accordingly.

  • Be considerate with your co-workers when you are in quarters

Ever had a customer friend who just won’t stop phoning you during lunch or during after hours? Do you think it’s possible they might be interested in what you’re doing at work? Well, if they are, they might not be very considerate when it comes to taking personal calls during the workday. What should you do if you take a call and work in close quarters with other people at your workplace? If your work relies on collaboration and you have been known to take calls on your desk or with others in the vicinity, is it appropriate to put your cell phone on silent?

  • You should know the company policy and common courtesy

In some jobs, you may be able to take personal phone calls in the workplace-but that doesn’t mean you should. We’re not talking about any offensive behavior like taking a call in the men’s room or talking loudly on your phone in the cafeteria. We’re talking about taking personal calls that prevent your team from having a productive workday. Sure, you might be able to get away with this in your job, but if you’re in sales or consulting, you risk losing credibility with your employer if you’re known as the company’s “personal phone king.” The best career move is to check company policy before making a call at work, but this doesn’t mean you can’t be considerate about your personal calls.

At one point or another, everyone works in an office or organization, and most of the time, they’re called upon to make personal calls. If you’re a manager or a leader, it’s fairly common sense that your employees should be able to handle their personal calls at work. However, not everyone has the same idea about what’s OK and what’s not OK. It’s the time of year we’re all thinking about, and for many of us, it’s the time of year we dread. The holiday season means a lot of work for a lot of people, and it’s important to remember that not all work calls require you to be at your desk. As the year comes to a close, it’s important to consider what calls you may want to take during the holidays.

For those in the workforce for a while now, there will always be those we interact with regularly to call or email personally. It may be from a manager or supervisor or a colleague or a friend. All these calls are necessary calls that we have to make, and they are, in their own right, very important.


3 Financial Hacks for College Grads

College grads, rejoice! You have graduated college and are now faced with a new and exciting life of possibilities. Wear your Jostens cap and gown with pride, you’ve worked hard to get to this point. But, as you start the next leg of your journey, you may find yourself struggling to find a job, saving money or making plans for your future. Struggling to find a job is normal, but financial woes can be a real problem for people who are just entering the workforce. Luckily, there are a few simple tips you can follow to make your money management easier.

Importance of Financial Planning

Financial planning is a serious subject that can’t be taken lightly. In fact, it’s so important that many people rely on professional financial planners to make all of their hard-earned money decisions and ensure they are financially secure for years to come. Unfortunately, financial planning doesn’t come naturally to everyone. In fact, you may have never thought about it, until now! That’s because a lot of people have no idea how to get started. They don’t know where to look, what to look for, or how to find the best information, whether that’s how to save effectively for retirement or something simple like money-saving energy tips to keep utilities down in the home, to help them make the right decisions for their future.

The need for financial planning as a college student can become more pronounced as you navigate the challenges of tuition, living expenses, and potential student loans. It’s crucial to recognize that effective financial planning during your college years can set the foundation for a stable financial future. This includes understanding budgeting basics, managing student loans wisely, and developing smart spending habits. Furthermore, early financial planning is recommended to find budget-friendly housing options. It’s worth noting that the best areas to search for a student home in Bristol or elsewhere often depend on factors such as proximity to campus, local amenities, and overall cost of living. In which case, assessing these considerations during the early stages of financial planning can empower you to make informed decisions about your housing choices.

3 Financial Hacks you must do as College Grad

College is stressful enough, but when you’re spending money on your books, food, computer, and other essentials, you have to figure out how to make ends meet.

  1. Use Easy Budget Applications

There are a lot of apps available to help you manage your budget (at least, you can count on the app store for that!), but what if you don’t want the hassle of entering all your financial information every time you want to check your budget? What if you want to use the same budgeting tool every month? There’s an alternative-a simple, automated app that provides you with a complete budget from the receptionist’s number, without any input from you, or any transaction log.

There are many budgeting apps on the market, but most are only mildly helpful. Easy Budget is an app that can remove the stress of managing your money. Easy Budget helps you create a budget, track your spending, and manage your budget-all with just a few taps. No more spreadsheet or graphs, no more numbers to calculate.

  1. Always Avail the Student Discounts

Many college students have found that they are eligible for a number of discounts and perks that can make their student lives much easier. From free food to discounted rent, discounts can save students thousands of dollars each year. If you’re a student making ends meet, you want to take advantage of all the opportunities you have to cut costs.

How do you get that student discount? As a college graduate, you may have access to some of the best student discounts around. But, what if you have recently graduated and are still working in a field that can still qualify you for the discounts? As it turns out, you do not have to be a student to get a student discount, and you may be surprised how much you save. Regardless, there are many ways for college students to recoup some of the money they spend on college every year, and the first is by simply using their student ID cards.

  1. Always Utilize your Rewards Cards

One of the most lucrative ways to make extra money is to sign up for credit card rewards programs. These programs will often offer you discounts on future purchases if you sign up for the program before the end of the year. You may not realize it, but the rewards program is often a simple cash back program. In other words, you are earning cash back on your purchases.

A lot of students graduate college without a credit card, which can be a problem. If you are going off to college, you want to use your rewards cards to get free money. This saves you from paying the fees for the rewards cards. However, there are rules on how to use the rewards cards that are important to know.


College grads are faced with a number of financial challenges, and juggling student loan debt with job searching and newly-minted financial responsibilities can be a complete nightmare. Whether you’re a student, a recent graduate, or a parent, there are some hacks you can use to improve your finances.

College is a time of growing up. It’s a time for establishing independence, self-expression, as well as a time to build a personal financial plan to support the expenses that will follow afterwards. For many students, this means starting a career. The time to start planning for your future is now before it gets too late!

How to Take Time for Yourself

We are all so busy nowadays that we can’t even remember the last time we did something for our own benefit and not for anyone else. You know what I’m talking about: the trip to the salon, the trip to the gym, the trip to the spa, the time we set aside to read a book that we always wanted to, the time we set aside for ourselves. The problem is that we don’t see this as a priority because we think that we don’t have the time to do it.

The way most of us live, taking time for ourselves is barely an option. We work, we read, we entertain, we eat, we sleep-and that’s just the beginning. How in the world can we be expected to find time to take a break, to lay down our distractions, to relax? It’s not impossible, though, and all it takes is a little forethought and a lot of commitment.

Prioritize Yourself

Taking time for yourself is not the easiest thing in the world. There are so many things to do, so many people to see, and so many demands on your time that it’s really not that simple to carve out some “me time” every day. However, taking time out to rejuvenate and relax is increasingly considered an essential part of living a healthy, balanced life and a key way to increase your mental health and happiness.

Here are ways on how to take time for yourself:

  • Set up your schedule and write down the time you have to take for yourself. Then try to make your schedule reasonable and try to be organized. For example, if you have time for a morning yoga class, set time aside in advance. If you are a morning person, schedule something for the evening, and vice versa.
  • Try setting up a monthly treat for yourself. After all, rewarding yourself is a great way to let yourself know that you’re doing a good job. It’s also a way to remind yourself that you’re worth the time and money. Figure out what you want. If you want to treat yourself to a massage, a manicure, or a new outfit, that’s great. Or, maybe you want to treat yourself to a DVD, a bottle of wine, or a nicely rolled joint. Treating yourself doesn’t have to be expensive. For example, if your idea of taking a break is to indulge in marijuana products and relax for an hour or two, then there are many ways to save money on weed. Cannabis products like shatter are found to be quite effective in helping the user relax better. These recreational drugs can also cure sleeplessness, migraine, nausea and many other health problems. You can check online dispensaries and websites like lowpricebuds to get one of these concentrates. It doesn’t matter how you pamper or treat yourself; what matters is that it has to be something you look forward to every month.
  • Buy tickets to your favorite show or event. Whether you have a soft spot for musicals, comedies, or dramas, you can be sure to find something that will have you clapping and cheering in the aisles.
  • Try to do things that you enjoy because you would like to do them, not because you feel forced to do them. Maybe you like using cannabis products to relax after a long day’s work. Then, Order Concentrates By Mail or approach a dispensary and try to make yourself happy! Sometimes, we forget to take some time for ourselves. The day-to-day grind of work, raising kids, and dealing with the everyday hustle and bustle of life can be a lot to handle. We push through, do as much as we can, and try to get as much done as possible. We’ll be honest with you: this never ends well. When we ignore the things that make us happy, we end up feeling tired, overwhelmed, and unmotivated. We’re no longer able to be our best selves, which ends up taking a toll on our health, our relationships, and our work. Try and invest in yourself by using things like earthlink internet plans to stream your favorite programs before you get to bed or to catch up on your social media. Something this simple could be the difference between a great or a stress-filled evening.
  • Schedule an evening out every week, even if it’s just for a little while. If you want to get the most out of your social life, you need to make time for socializing. Most of us tend to be so busy with work, family, and other commitments that we don’t have much space for fun and relaxation. It can make all the difference in how you feel about yourself and your life.

Work for your passions. Making time for the things you love can help you relax and unwind from the stress and anxiety of daily life, and it can also give you a sense of purpose.

Taking time for yourself is important, but it often gets pushed aside due to busy schedules, hectic work life, and family life. While it’s important to give your time to your family and friends, you should also take time for yourself. This is very important because you can’t run on empty. Taking the time to relax and nurture yourself gives you the energy you need to tackle any challenges that may come your way.